A movement for a more compassionate world

Transforming the lens through which everyday people view different religions and beliefs

volunteer with us
Crucial, challenging and potentially controversial conversations made possible  Join the movement

Attend our various events, such as our monthly Scriptural Reasoning (SR) sessions! We cover a multitude of intersectional issues that are fascinating to discuss and share ideas about.

Get familiar with what it takes to build friendships across faiths and beliefs - learning how to disagree better is a skill that takes practice. Some might find that it's second nature, while others might find that it requires a shift in mindset.

Express interest in becoming a facilitator with us, and you can undergo a training process! However, we would like to have you participate in several SR sessions first.

Announcing IYC’s new chapter in Vancouver! We’re looking to round up a team here and would love warm intros.

Drop a hello to Dhaniah at interfaithyouthcircle@gmail.com

Transcending Rituals; Celebrating the Divine

Within the diverse faiths, celebrating the divine takes on various forms, with customary rituals often serving as the norm. While some embrace these practices as integral to life, others ponder their deeper significance, questioning whether they hold untapped layers of meaning.

What do the scriptures say about celebrating the divine? Aside from customary practices & rituals, are there other ways to pay homage to the divine? How should we perceive the role of rituals in today's society?

Join us to discuss these questions and more.


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Our coverage on CNA

Jump to 44:49 of the video

Global terror groups are training their sights on Southeast Asia, with calls being made for Muslims to take up arms and fight in Marawi and Rakhine.

Sujadi Siswo finds out how Interfaith Youth Circle engages a diverse community like Singapore regarding issues of faith.

Our coverage on Detik

Jump to 06:00 & 14:08 of the video

In Jan 2021, a 16-year-old boy was detained after allegedly planning to attack two mosques in Singapore. He had been inspired by the Christchurch terror attack in New Zealand; one of the worst mass shootings in their history.​

How can we address the rise of online radicalisation among the youths of today? Interfaith Youth Circle weighs in on the subject, together with one of our very own youth participants (proud!).

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