These are cooperative, constructive, and positive interactions between people of different faiths and beliefs. ​

As with Scriptural Reasoning, the aim of interfaith conversations are not for its members to come to a consensus. Rather, it is about exploring multiple perspectives across faith and belief boundaries, learning from and understanding one another, and building friendships.

Coming from different places (Is it worth discussing if we disagree?)

There is enormous value in exposing ourselves to diverse perspectives. Over time, traditional stereotypes of what is 'other' to us are broken down. Dismantling these barriers allows us to build deeper friendships across divides, based on the appreciation (not just tolerance!) of our differences and an understanding of our common values.

Fear of conflict(What if we start arguing?)

Certain topics that we broach require a degree of sensitivity, but our facilitators are there for you! Our job is to create a safe space for interfaith conversations to happen, model the attitude and ways to put points across respectfully, and to manage the flow of dialogue. Ultimately, the aim is for us to learn how to disagree better.